Archive for January, 2009

The New “SarahPAC”

Stolen directly from Curtis Haring’s blog, this is the a copy of the text from the homepage of the new formed SarahPAC, with Haring’s own comments added.


So here is, word for word,what the website states – with my own commentary thrown in:

SarahPAC believes America’s best days are ahead (because the last eight were terrible). Our country, founded on conservative principles (such as radically overthrowing the reigning government and creating a liberal democracy) and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity (insert any Bush Administration scandal), innovation (CLEAN COAL!), and determination(Palin for President in 2010!).

SarahPAC believes energy independence (Drill, baby, drill!) is a cornerstone of the economic security (especially for Alaska and Texas) and progress that every American family wants and deserves (now that liberals have pointed out that energy efficiency is a good thing).

SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance (the Bull Moose Party thought the same thing) that will build a better future for all(rich, white, men *cough, cough*). Health care (lobby), education (vouchers *cough, cough*), and reform of government (but only after Nancy Peloci took over) are among our key goals. Join us today!

Despite Today, Pro-Gays Are Optimistic

Today the Utah Senate Judiciary Interim Committee denied the first of the Common Ground Initiative bills, proposing wrongful death benefits for same-sex couples 4 to 2.

The committee, led by such high-public names like Michael Waddoups and Chris Buttars heard extensive argument about the (very familiar) slippery slope that these rights may land the legislature on. Testimony after testimony focused soley on gay marriage, with a new push highlighting California, and showing what this “would” lead to. And despite excellent rebuttals by citizens like Linda Barney and Jeff Key, as well as Senators Scott McCoy and Ross Romero (the only YES’s on the committee), the measure went down.

And yet, despite the filled-to-capacity room of supporters who left with a feeling of gloom, Equality Utah and other local gay-rights groups say they are very optimistic.

“This is only the beginning..” said Lauren Littlefield, field coordinator for Equality Utah, “we have a lot of bills coming up, and we are truly fighting the good fight.” She also added, “we have a lot of work to do in these coming weeks, and I’m thrilled to see where this is heading.”

Many groups have events planned over the next few weeks that people can get involved in to show their support. Equality Utah’s next phone-banking session is this Thursday night (the 29th) at 5:30pm at their offices. PRIDE In Your Community is also hosting a Valentine’s Day event where members will carpool to rural Utah to talk with neighborhoods and legislators.

All in all, what is the day’s message? Hope. There is always going to be opposition, and we will never have everyone on our side. But let us not so soon forget that resounding call that moved so many of us, let us remember that when someone tells you that we cannot accomplish our dreams, YES WE CAN.

For more information on Equality Utah, visit
For more information on PRIDE In Your Community, send an email to

Gay Rally Seeking Common Ground

cgi-rallyToday, hundreds of Utahns marched from Washington Square in SLC up State St to the Capitol Building in support of the “Common Ground Initiative.” The weather? Not the most pleasant, freezing rain coming down the whole time, but it failed to stop the enthusiasm as marchers chanted the full 7 block march.

Jacob Whipple, who also organized the Temple Square rally in November said he wanted this rally to coincide with both President Obama’s inauguration and the beginning of Utah’s 2009 legislative session. “They [the legislature] need to remember, and be reminded that this session is one of the most important in Utah’s history,” remarked Whipple a few days prior to the event.

Utah, known nationwide for it’s “quirky” conservatism has an enormous majority standing against rights like same-sex marriage. But in this session, marriage is not an issue, rather more commonplace civil rights like housing and workplace protection, death benefits, and expanded health care for partners. 3 statewide polls have been released in the past week, including one by the SL Tribune, and another by Equality Utah showing that a majority of Utahns are in favor of these basic civil rights.



photo courtesy of

Talking to Senator Buttars

Senator Chris Buttars
Senator Chris Buttars
Eric Ethington and Elaine Ball
Eric Ethington and Elaine Ball

Some of you may know that I am the founder of the group PRIDE In Your Community, a LGBTQ and ally group that performs community service projects in an attempt to bridge the gap between the LGBTQ community and the rest of Utah. This past Saturday, Jan 17th, we held our most recent service event, delivering home-made pumpkin bread to legislators and their neighbors while promoting Equality Utah’s Common Ground Initiative.

Erring perhaps on the side of gusto, we decided to start with the neighborhood of none other than Senator Chris Buttars. We arrived at about 11am, and wanting to visit the Senator first, knocked on his door immediately. Imagine our disappointment, when no one answered the door! But soon after, while we were preparing to start knocking on doors, the Senator pulled up with his groceries in the trunk. We approached him on his driveway as he was unloading, and asked if we could speak to him about the local gay issues.
Mr. Buttars invited us into his study, and there gave us about an hour o uninterrupted time with him. Elaine and I had discussed this previously, and had decided that the best approach would be to take a humanistic approach, rather than legal or emotional. We shared with him the importance of these issues to us. For me in particular, I tend to focus the most heavily on the workplace and housing protections. Not enough people are aware that in Utah it is completely legal to fire someone, or evict them from their homes for no other reason than their sexual orientation. And as someone who has been both fired and evicted for that reason (as well as I work in Provo currently) they’re issues I am constantly worried about.
Senator Buttars was actually very receptive to the message, and expressed a great deal of empathy for those issues, claiming to frown on that type of discrimination.
One thing that enormously struck me during our conversation however, was how closely even those bills are linked in perhaps many legislator’s minds with same-sex marriage. I think this is a major road-block that needs to be taken care of in Utah in order to get any of these bills passed. Everyone needs to understand exactly what these bills are, and what they are not!
After speaking with Senator Buttars, we delivered our pumpkin bread and message to about 40 of his closest neighbors. Surprise surprise again, when 90% of them were incredibly receptive and supportive of these rights!
We were walking on air at this point, so we decided to drive down to Draper, and talk to Rep. Greg Hughes. Mr. Hughes was just as receptive as the Senator, and took many of the same stances, reaffirming to us the need for greater education and awareness in “straight” Utah.
I truly believe that these types of events will make a difference. Senator Buttars (in all likelihood) isn’t going to immediately change his stance on these civil rights issues, however if we keep going, and we talk to more and more people, the less and less people will perceive us as some evil entity, and more as human individuals.
For the article in the trib about this event, please see

Intensive Look at the Debate Over LDS Prop 8 Involvement

I found this story today about the LDS church’s financial involvement in Prop 8, it’s extremely well done.

Maine Joins the Fight For Equality

gayJust one month after gay-rights advocates announced plans for all of New England to have Gay Marriage on the books by 2012, Maine has joined the long list of states with Same-Sex Marriage bills coming up for votes.

Senator Dennis Damon proposed the new bill, saying that after watching the results of [Maine’s] domestic registry, “it is obvious that more is needed,” adding that “it’s long overdue.” Currently, Maine is facing an enormous budget deficit, and opponents are questioning the timing, asking “why are they pushing this now?” Senator Damon’s reply has been, “Currently there is discrimination. Heterosexual couples who have decided to spend their lives together are treated differently than same-sex couples who have that same commitment to each other. I don’t see the fairness of that. I don’t see the need for that, and this bill will put an end to that.”

Opponents, of course, are lining up quickly against the new bill, spearheaded by Republican Rep. John Tardy; this despite a study by the University of Mass that estimates that over the next 3 years, about 33,000 couples will travel to Massachusetts to get married, resulting in 330 jobs and $111 million added to the state’s economy. Imagine what that would do for Maine’s spiraling economy!

Good luck Maine!

Utah Gay Rally held at Delicate Arch

Congrats to “Utahns For Marriage Equality” for their successful rally at Delicate Arch in behalf of the Common Grounds Initiative! Full story and video are at:

Florida Goes After Transgender Protections

In Gainesville Florida, several groups are attacking the new city protections that allow for Transgendered individuals to use whichever restroom (at public places) they are most comfortable with.

Relatively, it would seem to me that although this protection is very important to Transgender individuals, it should be, for the most part, a non-issue for others. But now many Christian conservatives, headed by the Citizens For Good Public Policy, are claiming that this protection is allowing creeps and perverts into the women’s restrooms. City police has pointed out that there have been NO incidents reported in public restrooms since the protection was put in place. But the Citizens For Good Public Policy, are releasing commercials and ads that twist and push fear into the minds of Gainesville voters. The most notable commercial is below.


As many of you may be aware, I signed up about a month ago to receive the American Family Association’s email newsletter for ideas on articles. Below is a copy of today’s newsletter.  – Eric

PepsiCo gives $1,000,000 to help promote the gay agenda

Company forces employees to attend sexual orientation classes

January 8, 2009

Dear E,

PepsiCo has refused a request by AFA to remain neutral in the culture war. The company indicated that it will continue major financial support of homosexual organizations. AFA wrote Pepsi two times (on October 14 and October 29) requesting a meeting to discuss Pepsi’s neutrality in the culture war.

On November 17, AFA received a condescending (dated Nov. 7) from Paul Boykas, director, public policy, in which he refused to address Pepsi’s support of the homosexual agenda.

In the last two years, Pepsi has given $500,000 to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and $500,000 to the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). The $1,000,000 was to be used to help promote homosexuality in the workplace. Pepsi refuses to give money to any pro-family organization that opposes the homosexual agenda. Plus, every homosexual organization we know of is overwhelmingly pro-abortion.

Both HRC and PFLAG supported efforts in California to defeat Proposition 8 which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. HRC, the homosexual group financially supported by Pepsi, gave $2.3 million to defeat Prop 8.

Sounds like Pepsi really sent a bad letter right? Well below is a copy of both AFA’s first letter to Pepsi, and the letter Pepsi sent in response. How much twisting of the truth do you think this “Family Oriented” organization is doing?  -Eric

Letter to PepsiCo Chairman Indra K. Nooyi from Donald E. Wildmon (October 14, 2008):

Recently we noticed that PepsiCo gave a $500,000 donation to Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.  We were indeed surprised by PepsiCo’s support of the homosexual group.  It would appear to us that PepsiCo would not involve itself in a political and culture war, especially supporting an organization seeking to redefine marriage and family.

We ask PepsiCo to remain neutral in this culture war, neither supporting nor opposing the homosexual agenda.

We would like to discuss this matter with PepsiCo.  Would you have a representative of PepsiCo contact us?


Response from Paul Boykas, director, public policy to Donald  E. Wildmon (November 18, 2008):

I’m responding to your letter to our Chairman. In 2008, the PepsiCo Foundation awarded a grant to Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays to support a national program specifically designed for workplace environments.

The initiative seeks to promote further understanding and equality in the places where people spend much of their time at work.

Among the values promoted by the PepsiCo Foundation is ensuring a work environment that is respectful and where associates are valued for their contributions.  I hope this helps  clarify this grant by the PepsiCo Foundation.


Copies of both letters came from AFA’s website.

“FAMILY” Groups attack Suicidal Gay Teens

suicideThe group “Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays” released an article on Jan 6th saying that a recent study conducted by San Francisco State University on the link between gay teens who turn suicidal when parents reject them is just an attempt to promote “Gay Affirmation.”

“The way in which parents or guardians respond to a youth’s sexual orientation profoundly influences the child’s mental health as an adult,” say researchers at San Francisco State University, whose findings appear in Monday’s journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

However groups like “Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays” and the American Family Association are coming out swinging against this “attempted attack on parents.” Regina Griggs, Executive Director of Parents and Friends says, “..what we’re doing is we’re telling young people and we’re telling their parents, ‘You must accept those feelings. Who cares where they come from? It’s a gay lifestyle — endorse it!’ ….and [then] they threaten parents and frighten them by saying, ‘If you don’t, then your child may commit suicide!”

This is what I find so interesting, here is a credible study done on what can be the prevention of further teen suicides, depression and drug use, and these so-called “family” institutions are more concerned with making sure that parents “rehabilitate” their children rather than showing them love and accepting them for who they are.