Posts Tagged ‘robin mcgehee’

Get Equal Co-Director Arrested At White House

D.C. – Lt. Dan Choi has chained himself to the fence outside the White House during a Don’t Ask Don’t Tell protest. This is happening NOW. Co-Director of Get Equal Robin McGehee has already been arrested, but security is apparently at a stand-off with the Lieutenant.

DADT is responsible for thousands of service members who are trying to protect their country being kicked out of the armed forces because of nothing other than who they are inside.

UPDATE: Lt. Dan Choi has been removed from the fence and placed in a police van! -2:15 EST

Robin McGehee shouts "Get Equal!" and "Fight For Your Rights!" as she's arrested.

Pictures courtesy of Pams.House.Blend


Lt. Dan Choi chains himself to the White House Fence

UPDATE! From the Advocate:

Choi was speaking at the HRC rally at Freedom Plaza when he asked the group’s executive director, Joe Solmonese, if he would march to the White House. Both Choi and Pietrangelo were discharged from the military under DADT. Choi is the founder of Knights Out, a West Point alumni organization supporting LGBT soldiers.

You’ve been told that the White House has a plan,” Choi told rally protesters. “But we learned this week that the president is still not fully committed. … Following this rally, I will be leading [the protest] to the White House to say ‘enough talk.’ … I am still standing, I am still fighting, I am still speaking out, and I am still gay.”

Kathy Griffin, who was in Washington at the behest of HRC to meet with members of Congress about DADT repeal, was also at the rally. When asked by Choi if she would march with him to the White House, Griffin responded, “Of course!”